Monday, November 7, 2016

How to Create a Vision For Your Career

Imagine going on a trip without selecting a destination,then do you have any idea about what would you pack?How would you get there?where would you stay? you trip would not be end up being much fun. Similarly, with your career also. Goals are reached when you decide what you want,and then take action to get it. If you are aimless,then you will be wasting time. You will feel lost.You will be like a stray leaf, going wherever the wind takes you.

In my opinion Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom that means where you see  yourself in the feature. A vision is a snapshot of what you want a career and life to look like in the feature. This snapshot will give your journey a clear. Your picture of success will give you purpose,power and excitement.

How do you create a vision?

Are you ready to build a vision for your desired professional destination.Ask yourself what you want and what is important for you.Let the answers come to you.

To make reality of your dreams ask yourself the fallowing 10 questions

1) What type of job would i want?

2) What would i be responsible for?

3) if it was possible, what would be different in my career?

4) What type of company would i work for?

5) What kind of hours would i work?

6) What type of boss would i have?

7) What sort of culture would i want the company have?

8) How much money would i make?

9) What city would i live in?

10) How would i handle my workload,stress and deadlines?

once you thought of these questions you will write down answers on paper, The answers are what is true for you  but not want someone else wants for you. Think right answers what your heart says.Listen to yourself. Once you have your vision then it's time to make it real.

So, you only have one life to live. Love It. Make your dreams come true....Love your life and reach your destination.

Also Read Some Interview Tips:  How to preapare for interview

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