Thursday, January 26, 2017


In this article we will discuss Basic Linux Interview Questions for freshers. These Questions are frequently asked interview questions in Written Test and Technical Interview as well. Now a days in many competitive examination and entrance Test they are preferring from Linux Operating System Concept.

1) What is Linux?

Ans: Linux is Open Source Operating System based on UNIX. It was first introduced  by Linus Torvalds. It is based on the Linux Kernal,and can run on different hardware platforms manufactured by Intel,HP,IBM,SPARC and Motorola.

2) What is the difference between UNIX and Linux?

Ans: Unix originally began as a propriety operating system from Bell Laboratories developed by Dennis Ritche in 1969,which later on spawned into different commercial versions. On the other hand, Linux is free,open source and intended as a non-propriety operating system for the masses.

3) What is Linux Kernal?

ANS:  The Linux Kernal is a low-level systems software whose main role is to manage hardware resources for the user. It is also used to provide an interface for user-level interaction

4) What is the advantage of Open Source?

Ans: Open Source allows you to distribute your software,including source codes freely to anyone who is interested. People would then be able to add features and even debug and correct errors that are in the source code. They can even make it run better,and then redistribute these enhanced source code freely again.This eventually benefits everyone in the community.

5) What are the basic components of Linux?

Ans: Linux has all of these components: Kernal,shells and GUIs,System Utilities and application program. What makes Linux advantage over other OS is that every aspect comes with additional features and all codes for these are downloadable for free.

6) Does it help for a Linux system to have multiple desktop environment installed?

Ans: In general, one desktop environment like KDE or Gnome, is good enough to operate without issues. It is all a matter of preference for the user,although the system allows switching from one environment to another. Some programs will work on one environment and not work on the other,so it could also be considered a factor in selecting which environment to use.

7) What is BASH?

Ans: BASH means Bourne Again SHell. It was written by Steve Bourne as a replacement to the original Bourne Shell. It combines all the features from the original version of Bourne Shell,plus additional functions to make it easier and more convenient to use. It has since been adapted as a default shell for most systems running Linux.

8) How do you open a command prompt when issuing a command?

Ans: Top open the default shell(which is where the command prompt can be found). Press Ctrl-Alt-F1. This will provide a command line interface(CLI)from which you can run commands as needed

9)  How can you find out how much memory Linux is using?

Ans: From a command shell, use the "concatenate"command:cat/proc/meminfo for memory usage information. You should see a line starting something like Mem:5488989 etc..This is the total memory Linux thinks it has available to use

10) Does the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination work on Linux?

Ans: YES, it does. Just Like Windows,you can use this key combination to perform a system restart. One difference is that you won't be getting any confirmation message and therefore,reboot is immediate.

11) How do you change permission under Linux?

ANS:  Assuming you are the system administrator or the owner of a file or directory,you can grant permission using the chmod command. Use + symbol to add permission or - symbol to deny permission,along with any of the fallowing letters:u(user),g(group),o(others),a(all),r(read),w(write)and x(execute).

12) How do you access partitions under Linux?

Ans: Linux assigns numbers at the end of the drive identifier. For example,if the first IDE hard drive had three primary partitions they would be named/numbered,/dev/hda1,/dev/hda1 and /dev/hda3

13) How do you share a program across different virtual desktops under Linux?

Ans:  To share a program across different virtual desktops, in the upper left-hand corner of a program window look for an icon that look like a pushpin. Pressing this button will "pin" that application in place,making it appear in all virtual Desktops in the same position onscreen.

14) What is grep command?

Ans:  grep command is a search command that makes use of pattern-based searching. It makes use of options and parameters that is specified along the command line and applies this pattern into  searching the required file output.

15) How do you terminate ongoing process?

Ans: Every process in the system is identified by a unique process Id or PID. Use the kill command followed by the pid in order to terminate that process.To terminate all process at once,use kill 0.

16)  How do you execute more than one command or program from a single command line entry?

Ans: You can combine several command by separating each command or program using semicolon symbol. For example, you can issue such a series of commands in a single entry:
ls l;wc file1;date

17) Write a shell command to find out the number of characters,words and lines in a ls -l output?

Ans: ls -l\=|WC

18) What are the contents in /usr/local?

Ans: It contains locally installed files. This directory actually matters in environment where files are stored on the network.

19) What are daemons?

Ans: Daemons are services that provide several functions that may not be available under the base OS. It's main task is to listen for service request and at the same time to act on these requests. After the service is done,it is then disconnected and waits for further requests.

20)What are hard Links?

Ans:  Hard Links point directly to the physical file on the disk,and not on the path name. This means that if you rename or move the original file,the link will not break,since the link is for the file itself,not the path where the file is located.

I hope you enjoy this post and keep follow me for latest interview questions and share this pos

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